Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei is a Godan (5th degree black belt) in Aikido and is the founder and head instructor of Shobu Aikido of Ohio.
He began his study of the martial arts with Karate in 1977, and in 1987 began his study of Aikido with Bill Gleason Shihan at Shobu Aikido of Boston. In 2001 he moved back to his home town of Toledo to found Shobu Aikido of Ohio, and in 2005 began co-leading intensive Shobu Okugyo retreats with Gleason Shihan which focused on Kototama and Aiki Principle.
In 2013 he was awarded the rank of Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) by Gleason Shihan.
Jay appears extensively in Gleason Sensei's 2001 Video 'Aikido and Japanese Sword' as well as his 2009 book 'Aikido and Words of Power.'
Jay's dojo is an affiliate of Aikido Schools of Ueshieba, and he has studied with Mitsugi Saotome Shihan and Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan at numerous Seminars, and also studied internal power and Aiki training with Dan Harden and Howard Popkin.

Andrew Jogen Lesniewicz began studying Aikido with Jay Weik Sensei in 2005 and currently holds the rank of Sandan (3rd degree black belt) testing under William Gleason Shihan.
Andy is the acting Dojo Cho for Shobu Aikido of Ohio, teaching classes, coordinating seminars, and managing business affairs of the dojo.
When not practicing Aikido, Andy, works as a License Professional Clinical counselor in private practice and co-owner of the Karuna House LLC as well. Andy specializes in treating trauma with a focus on somatic issues.

Victor Gosen Van Deilen began studying Aikido with Jay Weik Sensei in 2007 and currently holds the rank of Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) testing under William Gleason Shihan.
Victor is currently the Director of the Youth Program and assumed leadership in the summer of 2010.
Victor is also a formal Zen Student of Rev. Rinsen Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo and has been practicing with the community since 2007.
Victor holds a Bachelors degree in Finance from the University of Toledo and is co-owner of his family business, VX-LLC, located in Holland, OH.