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About Aikido

AIKIDO IS A STUDY OF THE ART OF LIFE. Art is that which produces beauty in the world through the expression of human creativity. There can be no higher art than when you become the object of that creativity. When the development of wisdom and sensitivity that can overcome violence and brute force becomes our main objective, the world can be changed.

There is an order and beauty in nature that pervades all of existence. Becoming aware of it with whole body and mind, our lives flow more naturally, become easier to navigate, and gain a greater depth of meaning and purpose. To study and practice this natural order is called “The Great Way.” Aikido is one expression of this path. 
     Aikido is a non-competitive martial art that promotes intuitive understanding. There is a unique quality of mind and body that cannot be obtained through the practice of meditation alone. The goal here is to escape from the restrictions of our endless conditioning and regain spontaneous freedom.
     Today’s education, based solely on the intellect, does not address the problem of a social morality and compassion towards others. Aikido leads people to an intuitive understanding of the unity of body and mind and the essential role of society in creating a better world for everyone. 


Shobu Aikido of Ohio is affiliated with Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU) under the direction of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan.

© Shobu Aikido of Ohio

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